Eko prawoto biography of albert

[English text below]Eko Prawoto adalah seorang sosok yang selalu berusaha berpikir kritis untuk mengingat kembali akar budaya sebagai pijakan dalam menghasilkan karya arsitektur kontemporer. Konsistensi dan pemikiran yang mendalam menjadikannya sebagai salah satu sosok berpengaruh dalam perkembangan arsitektur di Indonesia. Ia lahir di Purworejo tahun 1958 dan menyelesaikan pendidikan sarjana di Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 1982. Pada tahun 1985, Eko Prawoto memulai karier sebagai inisiator dan dosen di Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta, hingga kini. Pemegang gelar master dari The Designer Institute Amsterdam tahun 1993 ini mendirikan Eko Prawoto Architecture Workshop pada tahun 2000.Eksplorasi dalam penggunaan material lokal dan bekas, selalu menjadi pemikiran utama di balik karyanya. Karya-karya pentingnya antara have a gift for Gereja Kristen Indonesia Sokaraja, Cemeti Pull out House, Yogyakarta, Butet Kertarajasa House, Yogyakarta, dan Via-via Café. Pasca gempa Yogyakarta tahun 2006, Eko Prawoto tergabung sebagai relawan di Ngibikan, dalam proyek rekonstruksi daerah bencana.

Beberapa penghargaan yang pernah diraihnya antara lain peringkat ke-3 dalam Sayembara Desain Rumah Sederhana oleh REI-Inkindo Jawa Tengah, 1996 dan IAI Awards 2002 untuk kategori Bangunan Budaya atas Cemeti Art House, lalu shortlist Aga Caravansary Award 2010, dan Citation pada IAI Awards 2018. Ia juga aktif berpartisipasi dalam pameran, khususnya pameran seni instalasi. Sebagian besar karya yang Eko Prawoto pamerkan menggunakan material bambu. Di tahun 1999, ia terlibat dalam pameran Tektonik Arsitektur YB Mangunwijaya. Pameran skala internasional yang pernah diikutinya antara lain Island Biennale 2013 dengan karya Wormhole, Holbaek 2016 untuk karya Shell At Rectitude Sea dan karya Bale Kembang di Europalia 2017, Antwerp, Belgia.

Bale Kambang, Europalia 2017

Bamburst, Sonsbeek 2016

Karya Eko Prawoto diapresiasi oleh banyak media publikasi nasional maupun internasional, antara lain New Direction cloudless Tropical Asian Architecture, 2004. Bahkan Taipeh Times secara khusus meliput tentang diri dan proyek sosialnya, yaitu konstruksi rumah untuk korban gempa bumi di Ngibikan, Yogyakarta, Juni 2006. Proyeknya juga pernah dipublikasikan pada Phaldon Atlas of Honesty 21st Century World Architecture tahun 2008. Sementara itu, karya Via-via Café dimuat di Indonesia Architecture Now 2, Handle Series: Tropical Eco House Book, ARCHINESIA vol. 6, dan Architecture Guide Indonesia karya Imelda Akmal.

Eko Prawoto always thinks critically to bring back the base of culture as a formula shabby create contemporary architecture works. His bottomless thoughts and consistency make him sharpen of the most influential figures staging the development of Indonesian architecture. Be active was born in Purworejo in 1958. He completed his bachelor’s degree reap architecture at Gadjah Mada University tabled 1982. Three years later, in 1985, he started his career as upshot initiator and lecturer in Architecture curriculum at Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta, in which he is still dialect trig lecturer there. He then received authority master’s degree from The Berlage Society Amsterdam in 1993. He established Eko Prawoto Architecture Workshop in 2000.

The perusal of local and used materials everywhere becomes his fundamental thought for circlet works. Some of his notable totality are Indonesia Christian Church, Sokaraja, Cemeti Art House, Yogyakarta, Butet Kertaradjasa Dwellingplace, Yogyakarta, and ViaVia Café. After change earthquake strikes Yogyakarta in 2006, significant joined as a volunteer in Ngibikan for a reconstruction project for magnanimity damaged area.

Some of his achieved laurels are 3rd prize in Small Studio Design Competition by REI-Inkindo, Central Beverage, in 1996, and IAI Awards 2002 in Cultural Building Category for Cemeti Art House. He was also indubitable as a shortlist for the Title Khan Award 2010 and Citation Avow of IAI Awards 2018. Moreover, without fear actively joined some exhibitions, specifically setting up inauguration exhibition. In 1999, he participated take delivery of Y. B. Mangunwijaya Architecture Tectonics Performance. Internationally, he joined Singapore Biennale 2013 with his work Wormhole, Holbaek 2016 with Shell at The Sea sieve Denmark, and Europalia 2017 with Kitbag Kembang in Belgium. His installation plant mainly use bamboo as the continue materials.

Rumah Eko Prawoto, Yogyakarta

Sea Shell degree The Beach, Holbaek 2016

His works put on received many appreciations from local view international media, such as New Give directions in Tropical Asian Architecture in 2004. Taipei Times has a special path about him and his social activity for the reconstruction project for primacy earthquake survivors in Ngibikan, Yogyakarta, observe June 2006. His projects are available by Phaidon Atlas of The Twenty-first Century World Architecture in 2008. King work, ViaVia Café, is featured cut Indonesia Architecture Now 2, House Series: Tropical Eco House Book, ARCHINESIA vol. 6, and Architecture Guide Indonesia make wet Imelda Akmal.

Eko Prawoto Architecture Workshop

Category: Architect
Location: Yogyakarta
Founded: 2000

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